ABM Project
Past project
Bay Blueprint 2070
A resource for coastal land managers and decision makers that provides adaptive coastal management approaches tailored to Port Phillip Bay. Funded through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Victorian Adaptation and Sustainability Partnership program.
ABM downloads
STAGE 1 (investigation & engagement)
Bay Blueprint Framework Report (published 2015)
Synthesis of existing knowledge, research, programs and stakeholder engagement associated with climate adaptation and resilience. The Report identified key challenges along with significant knowledge and data gaps, particularly relating to understanding future coastal and catchment pressures and vulnerabilities. The Report proposed a whole-of- bay approach to improve local decision making, management and prioritisation of actions.
Download the report here:
STAGE 2 (planning & analysis)
Bay Blueprint 2070 (published August 2017)
The Bay Blueprint 2070 is designed to guide local and regional adaptation coastal climate planning, decision-making, investment and implementation towards 2070. It aims to provide coastal land managers and decision makers with a shared understanding of the impacts of climate change on Port Phillip Bay and a suite of adaptation approaches tailored to common coastal typologies found around Port Phillip Bay.
Download the document here:
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